Explore our site and see what the North Mountain Sportsmen Association has to offer. We have rifle & pistol shoots, trap shooting, sporting clays, cowboy shoots a rifle range, a pistol range, and team competitions for the whole family to enjoy. We also hold hunters Ed. courses and youth field days throughout the year.
Our meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:30PM, visitors always welcomed.
Our dues are $45.00/year. We as the club have decided to take our Membership a little more Serious with that being said beginning in January 2018, we will now ask you to have a Background Check done prior to joining our Club you will be responsible to pay the fee for the background check. To join copy and send your applications into North Mountain Sportsman Club when filling out the clearance papers please read carefully
and accept the agreements they ask for. Once the application is filled out it is good for as long as you are a member of our club if you decide to
leave the club then decide to come back after the new calendar year you will have to re-apply for both the clearance and membership application's You can EMAIL ME your Background and Membership Application's @ millerericj@yahoo.com Or you can call Eric Miller at - 570-238-5780 with any questions
Please see our Membership Page for Details
To most people in the local area the name Gene Kiess was synonymous with North Mountain Sportsman Association. Gene, through his association and active participation in the Nelson Armes American Legion, Post#601 Sonestown, was one of the original founders of the club. Due to Genes energetic and enthusiastic leadership and guidance, the North Mountain Sportsman Association has evolved from a small group of members to today's thriving entity of more than 300 members.
Gene devoted a major portion of his life to the development of the Club's various programs. He was instrumental in the establishment of the annual Youth Day program which offers youth, ages 7-15, in the surrounding areas and their families an opportunity to spend quality family time enjoying the outdoors while learning about various shooting sports, archery, fishing, and other outdoor activities at no cost to the families.
Gene also actively supported the annual 6th Grade Earth Day Program which has been in existence since 1994. The Program, which began with only 6th grade students from the East Lycoming School District, under Gene's direction has expanded to include 6th grade students from the Sullivan County School District.
The Sullivan County 4-H Shooting Sports program also grew to include approximately 50-60 youth involved in the Shotgun and/or Rifle/Air 111 Gun programs under Gene's encouragement. Gene was a NRA certified firearms instructor. He was also a Delegate to the PA Federation of Sportsmen Association.
The Hunters Education Safety Program, which is offered a minimum of three times per year at the club also prospered. Under Gene's leadership the club provided a place for the Safety Program to be held and also provided lunches for each participant in the program.
He served as a deputy for the Pa. Game Commission for a number of years.
Six years ago, Ed Derrick approached Gene to see if the club would have an interest in a new shooting sport called Cowboy Action Shooting, (CAS). Gene was instrumental in building a first-rate CAS shooting facility. In 2001 Gene asked his cowboy Match Director Lance Dunham what was needed to attract a state championship CAS shoot. Armed with this information, Gene had the facility improved and in 2004 the North Mountain Sportsman Club hosted its first SASS, (Single Action Shooting Society), PA State Championship where shooters from seven states came to compete in one of the best shooting facilities in the state.
When Lester Greevy approached Gene with the possibility of installing an Olympic Bunker Trap on the Clubs grounds, Gene immediately called a Board of Directors meeting, and the project was off and running. Thanks to Gene's initiative and drive, the North Mountain Sportsman Association can proudly boast that it has an Olympic Bunker Trap- one of only 19 in the United States, and that it has become the training ground for several local Youth with dreams of one day competing in the World Olympics.
Another of Gene's visions for the Club was the establishment of a Skeet Shooting Program. Today the Club has two new Skeet houses and a fledgling Skeet Program.
Gene was instrumental in establishing the June and December Gun Raffles for the Club as a major fund-raising project. He arranged for a selection of guns to be offered, had tickets printed and distributed, collected the money and ticket stubs, and finally notified the daily winners. This was a great deal of work for one person and required a large commitment of time which Gene willingly donated.
Gene's newest project for the Club was the establishment of the annual Sportsman's Fund-Raising Banquet. This project not only raised funds to support the Club's many programs and projects, but also provided an evening of fun and camaraderie for area residents.
Gene Kiess was a man with a passion for envisioning projects and a devotion for seeing those projects through to completion. If Gene believed in a project, that project was going to be completed to the best of his ability. He was a doer not a quitter. Gene was willing to take risks, and because of that, North Mountain Sportsman's Association has grown into an organization greater than its founders had ever envisioned. When Gene called on friends for a favor, they knew they couldn't say no and also knew Gene would be there working side by side with them.
That old adage "Behind every great man is a great and gracious lady" was certainly true in Gene's case. Cass, Gene's wife, has unselfishly shared Gene with the Club for many years. The club would like to express its deep appreciation to Cass for allowing the Club to have Gene as much as she did. Cass has certainly sacrificed countless hours so Gene could devote his time to the Club and its projects. The Club members are very grateful to Cass for allowing us to share Gene's life.
Gene Kiess. certainly, cast a huge shadow at the North Mountain Sportsman's Club, and he will be sorely missed by all. Gene willingly and enthusiastically shared his love of the outdoors and outdoor activities with all who were interested. We've only touched upon a few of the many projects and ideas that Gene had envisioned for the Club, but the mentioning of these projects demonstrates the dynamic energy and passion with which Gene approached life, living each day to the fullest extent. Having served as President of the Association for the past seven years, he was a driving force within the Club, and it will be difficult, if not impossible, to fill his shoes.
The North Mountain Sportsman Association would like to honor his memory and request by establishing a Scholarship in his name. Memorial contributions be made to the North Mountain Sportsman Association, c/o Tom Robbins, RR#1, Box 364, Muncy Valley, Pa 17758